This is Bridget’s FamilyVault

Hi Bridget,

Welcome back!

Bridget Clark

  • + Basic Information
  • + Family
  • + Pets
  • + Home
  • + Affiliations
  • + Personal Documents
  • + Personal History
  • + Contacts
Quick tip: search your email for “username” to find accounts you may have forgotten.
You may want to add information for physical accounts with digital portals, such as utilities.
  • + Email
  • + Social Media
  • + Professional
  • + Shopping Websites
  • + Cloud Storage Account
Don’t forget to list the beneficiaries for each account.
If you visit a bank location, listing the branch manager’s information can speed things up for your loved ones.
  • + Advisors
  • + Bank Accounts
  • + Investment Accounts
  • + Credit Cards
  • + Loan Obligations
  • + Insurance
  • + Benefits and Pensions
  • + Other Accounts
  • + Assets and Real Estate
  • + Miscellaneous Financial Documents
  • + Tax Records
If you don't have a written will, check out “How to vet an attorney” in the resource library.
Your Will may need to be updated throughout your life. Important milestones are good times to revisit with your attorney.
  • + Attorney Information
  • + Will
  • + Trusts
  • + Power of Attorney
  • + Miscellaneous Legal Documents
Take your time when determining your advance care directives. Over time,  your views of what it means to enjoy life may change.
Make sure you discuss your advance care directives with your physician and your loved ones.
  • + Medical History
  • + Physicians
  • + Medications
  • + Insurance
  • + Advance Care Directives
This space can be used to log significant possessions. You may want to list the estimated value, or tell a story about the item and explain its emotional significance. It’s up to you!
Tell the story! Think about Who, What, Where, and When.
If you belong to a religious organization, checking with clergy can be a good place to start. 
These decisions may be difficult to think about, but even simple instructions can be very helpful for your loved ones.
  • + Funeral and Burial Decisions
  • + For Loved Ones
  • + Donations